PooL-Only Freediver & Pool-Freediver+ Courses:

***Registration Form at Bottom of Page***

Location: Victoria, B.C. at Esquimalt Rec Centre and Online Via Zoom
Pool-Only Freediver COST: $400 Incl GST (Deposit $200)
Pool-Freediver+ COST: $550 Incl GST (Deposit $275)
Pool-Freediver+ programs are
available during most Schedule A Freediver and Pool-Only Freediver course weekends. Ask for this experience and schedule directly with Bottom Dwellers if that is the adventure of your choice!

2025 Course Dates:

Pool-Freediver+ Dates available on same weekends as Pool-Only Freediver and Freediver programs. E-mail us to upgrade the package to the adventure experience!

  • April 2*/3*/4/5 Pool-Only Freediver Schedule A

  • April 16*/17*/18/19 Pool-Only Freediver Schedule A

  • MAY 7*/8*/9/10 Schedule AMAY 7*/8*/9/10 Pool-Only Freediver Schedule A

***Full courses may open up seats as we add instructors. If you wish to be waitlisted for a full course please contact us directly to arrange putting you on the waitlist.***

Below is the course structure for our two course variants.
OA = Online Academics / CW = Confined Water / OW = Open Water
*Dates* are Academic Zoom Sessions

Schedule A (Fri/Sat/Sun Practical):
Day 1*: OA1 Via Zoom - 6pm-9pm
Day 2*: OA2 via Zoom - 6pm-9pm
Day 3: CW1 4PM-845PM at ESQ REC Centre
Day 4: CW2 830AM-1130AM at ESQ REC Centre
Freediver+ Day 5: 1PM-4PM OW Adventure

Schedule B (Sat/Sun Practical):
Day 1*: OA1 Via Zoom - 6pm-9pm
Day 2*: OA2 via Zoom - 6pm-9pm
Day 3: CW1 & CW2 830AM-4PM at ESQ REC Centre
Freediver+ Adventure (Day 4): Day and Time specific to the specific course.

Medical Forms are organized and managed by each student. Once registered students have a duty to support their program by completing their medical form with Doctor’s Stamp and Signature included SHOULD IT BE REQUIRED. If there are any questions regarding the medical form it’s the students’ duty to ask and be on top of it well prior to their course dates. Failure to organize your own medical form prior to your course is not grounds for rescheduling or cancelling your course with Bottom Dwellers.


  • PFI Freediver E-learning Program: Start your course online before your classroom sessions! Get the most out of your course by coming in with a strong base knowledge before even stepping through the door!

  • Bottom Dwellers T-shirt

  • Full Package Rental Student Discount of 35% off for local programs, 20% off for travel programs.

  • Certification Card upon achieving certification.

  • Class, Pool & Ocean Instruction. Small class ratios.
    Course Ratios: (For open water sessions are usually ran with a 1:4 Ratio)

    • Confined Water: 2 x 3hr sessions / 1 Instructor: 8 students max

    • Classroom: 2 x 3 hr Online Academic Sessions / Up to 20 Students. *Zoom Classroom Academic Sessions and your course E-learning are required to be completed to be eligible to get in the water for the practical segment of your course. By registering for this course you are agreeing to be present with your camera on during the classroom settings.

  • POOL-FREEDIVER+ Program also includes 1 x Open-Water Adventure with course schedule

For more Information on the Freediver courses for such things as EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS and other important details please follow the course description link here:

How to Register for a Course: (PLEASE READ CAREFULLY)

Step 1: Confirm Course Availability.
Step 2: Download, read fully and have a complete understanding of the Waiver/Liability Release and Medical Form.
Step 3: Fill out the Registration form below on this page after referencing the course equipment requirements and medical form links below.
Step 4: Upon receipt of your registration form we will send you an ‘Adobe Sign’ Waiver as acknowledgement of your understanding of the document. When you have a full understanding of the Waiver and Liability release and you consent to its terms you may fill out and complete that agreement.
Step 5: After completing your electronic waiver and liability release acknowledgement via Adobe Sign you will be prompted to Make Payment for your seat for the desired available course with us via e-transfer.

Payments are made to Bottom Dwellers via E-transfer. You will receive an electronic receipt for your payment once received which will be input by us manually through Online Store via ‘Squareup’.

*IF A COURSE IS FULL and you wish to be WAITLISTED please feel free contact Bottom Dwellers

Please complete the form below in full
all field Details are required of Registrants  

*To participate in any of Bottom Dwellers' courses you must meet the requirements of the medical form provided by Performance Freediving International. Bottom Dwellers instructs the Performance Freediving International System which upholds the highest standards of educational foundation in our attempts to provide the safest and most efficient learning environment for our students. To consult this form, please follow the link below.

Before singing up for a course with Bottom Dwellers, please consult our Refund and Cancellation Policy Here